Flat Feet
Flat Feet also known as Flat Foot or pes planus or fallen arches is a term used to describe the condition of the foot in which the arch of the foot collapses, the sole of the foot is in complete or almost completely in contact with ground surface. It is commonly painless condition and it occurs when arches don’t develop during childhood or it may be a result of an injury or aging effect. It can create problem in your ankles and knees as due to Flat Foot the alignment of your legs is not proper.
The common symptoms of Flat foot are Swelling of the mid foot on standing, Pain in the inner side of the ankle, arch of the foot, calf, knee, hip and back
Flat Foot Test
To test weather you have normal foot or not then try to stand on your toes if you are able to stand without any pain or complication then you probably don’t have flat foot. Another way of testing flat foot is by using a coloured powder and spray it on a plane surface and make your feet wet and then place it on the coloured powder if the powder is removed in a cuved manner then you don’t have flat foot but if the entire powder is removed the it could be that you have flat foot.

Flat Foot is a result of the tissues holding the joints in the foot together (called tendons) are loose. It is mainly caused due to underdeveloped arches during childhood or due to an injury or aging effect of body in older ages. Some other factors includes Fat in foot.
As a child grows older the tissues tighten and form an arc and the problem of flat foot disappear however there are some persons in which these tissues does not grow properly.
n Defence forces high standard of physical fitness is required and due to flat foot a person would not be able to run as quickly as a normal footed person would. Other complications of flat foot are Loss of ankle movement, Infection and Pain that does not go away.
There are few simple exercises which can help in treating fallen arches these exercise includes Point at things with your toes, Get on your toes, Walk in sand and Walk in sand. Doctors also recommends some Shoe Insoles for treatment. However in some severe cases surgery may be needed.